Services Provided

Neurodiversity-affiriming speech therapy, coaching, consulting, & training services held via video conference for autistic individuals, their family members, and professional service providers.


For Autistic Individuals

Coaching sessions via video conference for Autistic individuals who are newly-diagnosed and/or who desire guidance for navigating life as Autists. Suggested coaching topics include: the basics of Autistic neurology and neurodiversity, fostering your Autistic identity, understanding the way you communicate, identifying and advocating for your unique needs, navigating a neurotypically-designed world without sacrificing your needs, and much more.


$90/half hour


For Family Members

Coaching sessions via video conference for family members/ social partners of Autistic individuals. Coaching topics may include: the basics of Autistic neurology and neurodiversity, collaborating with schools and service providers, IEP & goals review, fostering your loved one's Autistic identity, understanding and advocating for their unique needs, navigating a neurotypically-designed world without sacrificing their needs, and much more.


$90/half hour

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For Professionals

Tele-consultations for professionals working with Autistic clients. I will help you: (1) understand your clients on a deeper level, (2) use the neurodiversity paradigm to inform your assessments, goal writing, and therapy design for Autistic individuals, & (3) get your colleagues & clients' caregivers on board with this paradigm shift.


$90/half hour



Teleconference or in-person trainings for service providers who work with Autistic clients. Past training topics include defining & understanding neurodiversity, neurodiversity & intersectionality, busting myths about Autistic empathy & communication, gender & autism, understanding Autistic meltdowns & shutdowns, AAC access for all communicators, neurodiversity-affirming goal writing, strengths-based treatment design, & more.

Please contact Hillary to discuss your training needs and fees.

Contact us to learn more.


Book a complimentary consultation today.